Sustainability at Sika

Sika’s strong performance is founded on the company’s entrepreneurial philosophy and the Sika Spirit, which is a synonym for the set of five values and principles that make up the DNA and culture of the company: Customer First, Courage for Innovation, Sustainability and Integrity, Empowerment and Respect, and Manage for Results.

Business Model: Creating Value for Stakeholders

Sika creates sustainable value for its customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders. This includes governments through taxes, employees through compensation and benefits, shareholders through dividends, suppliers and service providers through raw material and service prices, and society through taxes and local community projects. Part of the value earned is retained in the company and invested in future growth.

Sustainability Strategy 2019–2023

Sika is driven to maximize the value of its solutions and contributions for all stakeholder groups, while simultaneously minimizing the risks and resource consumption associated with value generation. With the current Sustainability Strategy, Sika pursues six strategic target areas, focusing on Climate Performance, Energy, Waste/Water, Community Engagement, Occupational Safety, and Sustainable Solutions.


reduction of CO2eq emissions per ton sold (scope 1 and 2)1. The emission of greenhouse gases was reduced significantly to 16.4 kg per ton sold, a reduction of 1.2 kg compared to 2021. Compared to baseline 2019: –39.2%

Based on market-based GHG emissions.


the number of lost time accidents decreased by –19.5% compared to 2021, leading to a lower Lost Time Accident (LTA) rate per 1,000 FTEs (–23.8%).


reduction in water consumption per ton sold. The amount of water used per ton sold declined to 0.18m3. Compared to baseline 2019: –46.1%.

SBTi Commitment

Sika joined the growing group of leading corporations that have committed to the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi). These corporations have set emissions reduction targets in line with what science says is necessary to reach net zero by 2050. By doing so, Sika recognizes the crucial role companies can play in minimizing the risk that emissions pose to the future of the planet.

“Sika is driving the transformation of the construction and manufacturing industry towards net zero. That’s why we support the SBTi.”

Patricia Heidtman

Chief Innovation and Sustainability Officer

Net Zero Roadmap

In 2022, Sika communicated a high-level roadmap identifying main targets and key levers to achieve net zero. Within 24 months after the commitment, Sika will develop a detailed roadmap and submit its targets for SBTi validation. For a high-growth company like Sika, this is an ambitious goal. It will require active collaboration with all stakeholders.

Materiality Matrix

In 2022, Sika conducted a new materiality analysis, focusing on potential ESGE – environmental, social, governance and economic – material topics, to capture the sustainability impact, dependencies, risks, and opportunities of Sika’s operations, products, and services, along the entire value chain.